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Cooling Load Analysis

Having a cooling load analysis done at your facility is very important. It can provide information that can help you;


  • Ensure constant manufacturing parameters

  • Improve productivity

  • Reduce maintenance costs

  • Reduce energy costs

  • Improve dependability

  • Plan future expansion

  • Trouble-shoot problems


Detailing each manufacturing piece of equipment with the parameters of heat load, cooling temperature required, cooling water flow, cooling water pressure required and the location of the equipment in the plant will help you plan an efficient, controlled environment to maximize your cooling and your profits.


Although every manufacturing facility is different, there are also similarities in some equipment where principles of cooling analysis can be applied. For example, most facilities require air compressors. If your air compressor is water-cooled, an easy rule to determine cooling load is 2 Tons (12,000 Btu/h) per 10 HP of air compressors.


Some applications are air-cooled or have water jackets. Some applications have constant load or a batch load where the load varies with time.


Some applications require very cool water while other can operate with warm cooling water. Some applications have low flow and high temperature ranges, while others demand a very high flow and small temperature range.


Understanding your plant cooling needs will provide a better understanding of your facility and how it runs.


Included are downloadable Heat Load Analysis Heat Input Worksheets.  Please complete the following data input forms to enable us to assist in your audit.


Injection Moulding Blow Moulding

Excel Format

Adobe Format


Excel Format

Adobe Format





Portable Pumps & Reservoirs Towers TCU

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Tantus Corporation

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Email: sales@tantuscorp.com


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